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How many new followers of Jesus have been made through your church in the recent past?  Do you wish it was more?   

Before his Ascension Jesus left his followers with the last words that would echo throughout church history. In Matthew 28, Luke 24, John 20, and Acts 1 we are given the accounts of what is now called “The Great Commission.” These words have provided the foundation for the purposes of the church throughout the ages. 

Most likely, when you sensed a call to ministry, this commission played a role in your call. When you planted a church or worked toward renewing an existing ministry, it was these words that compelled you to count the cost and say yes to the task at hand. 

Yet, in spite of all their power, over time it’s easy for the focus of the church to stray away from the basic instructions Jesus gave us.

As church leaders in North America, we are being called back to the Great Commission. We are living in a moment in history when our churches must center again on the main task that Jesus left for us to do with the power and wisdom that Jesus left for us to do it. 

Multiply 2025

At Multiply 2025, we’ll turn our attention back to Jesus' famous final charge.  We will consider afresh what they mean for the churches we lead and the context we serve.  We will invite the Holy Spirit to visit us with power for the calling before us.  We will open our hearts and ask the Father to will them with love and passion for the world we are called to. 

Along with notable Ecclesia leaders like J.R. Briggs and Kevin Nderitu, we are delighted to be joined by special guests Miriam Swanson, Paul Maconochie, and Eliseo Mejia.  Miriam is one of the most sought-after speakers and contemporary evangelists currently in North America.  She is the Executive Director of Fusion USA, a ministry focused on reaching college students and raising up the next generation of Christian leaders.  Paul Maconochie is the National Director for Uptick.  Uptick is a disciple-making and leadership development ministry dedicated to training leaders to carry out the Great Commission through local churches.  Paul is a pastor at Grace Gathering in Fort Wayne, IN and has previously been involved in training leaders through 3dm in multiple countries around the world.  Eliseo Mejia is a seasoned pastor and church planter now working with the Ascent Movement in the area of mobilization. 

Multiply 2025 will be at Old Town Community Church in Alexandria, VA, in close proximity to our nation’s capital. 

ENG 2025

Our Speakers

Multiply 2025 Schedule

Tuesday, February 25th

2.00 – 4.00:   Arrival & Registration

4.00– 5.30:    General Session # 1:  A Passion for the Gospel and Those Without It

5.30 – 6.30:     Dinner

6.30 - 8.00:    General Session # 2:  Great Commission Strategies for Today’s Ministry Contexts 

Wednesday, February 26th

9.00 – 10.30:   General Session # 3:  Witnessing to Christ and the Gospel 

10.30– 10.45:    Break   

10.45– 12.00:    General Session # 4:   Making Disciples of the Nations 

12.00- 1.00:       Lunch Break

1.00 - 2.00:    Workshops/Discussion Groups:

2.00- 2.15:       Break

2.15 - 3.15:    Workshops/Discussion Groups

3.15 - 5.30:    Afternoon Break

5.30- 6.30:       Dinner  Break                         

6.30 - 8.30:    General Session # 5:  Receiving Power for the Call

Thursday, February 27th

8.30 – 9.45:  General Session # 6:  Multiplying for the Mission 

9.45- 10.00:     Break

10.00 - 11.30:    General Session # 7:  Sent out with the Spirit 


The Heron in Alexandria, VA is the Multiply 2025 conference hotel.  It is conveniently located across the street from Old Town Community Church in Old Town Alexandria.  We have negotiated a highly favorable rate of $179/night at this typically expensive property.  This will be your easiest and most convenient option.  Lodging can be booked through the link below and will be available until January 31st or until filled.

Book Lodging


Registration for Multiply 2025 includes all sessions, 3 meals, and hospitality throughout the event

Ecclesia/Ascent Member Rate

$169 (Early Bird thru 10/31/24)

$199 (Regular thru 1/31/25)

$229 (Late- register by 2/24/25)

General Registration Rate

$199 (Early Bird thru 10/31/24)

$229 (Regular thru 1/31/25)

$259 (Late- register by 2/24/25)

Air Travel

The Reagan National Airport is approximately 15 minutes from Old Town Alexandria and the D.C. Metro runs around the clock from Regan to Old Town.  Dulles International and Baltimore-Washington International are also located within a reasonable drive of Multiply 2025.

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