BCC hosted a free Kids-in-Motion sports and arts camp” for the children of Easton! This was our 3rd annual camp and we were blessed to have over 120+ 1st through 5th grade campers and 50+ Jr. and Sr. High youth as camp counselors! It was awesome! Check out the vid and pics at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kids-in-Motion-Easton/289671614414211?ref=hl.
Our church is gaining traction in terms of a few more people joining our group lately. As we’re rather small at this point, this is very encouraging. We have built a steady a corporate rhythm of gathering each week for communion, prayer, worship, and teaching.
I have recently started blogging at the recommendation of a few other Ecclesia members. It’s an new experience for me, but I find it really is a spiritual discipline, and very helpful for working out thought processes. You can find my thoughts at www.worthwheeler.com.
We just completed a trip to our partner church in San Pablo la Laguna, Guatemala. You can get a complete trip recap at http://swern.com/2012/06/22/guatemala-trip-recap/. We have been building this partnership over the last two years and would be open to talking to other churches within Ecclesia who are interested in contributing to this ongoing partnership. We do at least 2 trips per year.
A small team from A New Community got back home yesterday from a mission trip to Bungoma, Kenya. Our church has partnered with a pastor from Bungoma in the construction of an orphanage that opened last November. There are 35 orphans who live at the orphanage in a nurturing environment. They are fed three meals a day and a school at the orphanage opened last January with 5 teachers and has an enrollment of 55 children, from the orphanage as well as the community. Our team delivered new shoes, clothes, and letters written to each orphan from their sponsor in America. Textbooks and supplies where purchased for the classrooms as well as newly constructed cabinets for the teachers. the cooks at the orphanage were excited to received new cooking utensils and supplies for the kitchen. Bulk food was bought and distributed to the widows and orphans living in Western Kenya through our association with the churches in the outlying mountains.
Through this connection, A New Community is involved in God’s work internationally as well as locally.
Always Enough: A Sermon for the Discouraged: A 10-minute sermon Ben gave during our May 6 Celebration Meal gathering from Mark 6:30-44. http://christchurchfw.org/2012/05/always-enough-a-sermon-for-the-discouraged/
We’ve been doing discipleship huddles based on the 3DM model since January 2012. Every one of our members save one is involved in these right now. Last week one of the gals in the huddle my wife leads came up and said to her, “I’ve grown more in the last year at Boise Mustard Seed than in the rest of my life in the church leading up to now.” – What a great confirmation and testimony to the calling God has given this little church start!
We have lots going on this summer in the area of outreach. We currently have a team from church in Northern Uganda ministering to kids with an organization called Mercy’s Village. We also have members of our church doing other trips and serving all over the world with projects they initiated.
But back here at home one big thing happening this summer is the International AIDS Conference. Its being hosted in the US for the first in 20 years. In preparation we are working together with local churches throughout the city to raise awareness about the extremely high HIV rate locally in our city and the need to get tested.
Below is my article in today’s Washington Post where I am trying to lead by example in encouraging people to get tested. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/national-hiv-testing-day-why-i-got-tested/2012/06/20/gJQAjGlkqV_story.html
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